1. Congratulations! (selamat!)
Example: Hey , I heard that you got a door prize last night.
Congratulations! (hei, saya dengar kamu mendapat hadiah utama tadi
malam. Selamat!)
2. Congratulations on … (selamat atas …)
Example: Congratulations on your achievement for being the first rank (selamat atas pencapaianmu karena telah menjadi juara 1).
3. I congratulate you on … (saya ucapkan selamat atas …)
Example: I congratulate you on your success for winning the speech
contest (saya ucapkan selamat atas kesuksesanmu dalam memenangkan kontes
4. I’d be the first to congratulate you on … (saya ingin jadi yang pertama mengucapkan selamat atas …)
Example: I’d be the first to congratulate you on your graduation
(saya ingin jadi yang pertama mengucapkan selamat atas kelulusanmu).
5. I’d like to congratulate you on … (saya ingin mengucapakan selamat atas …)
Example: I’d like to congratulate you on your marriage (saya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas pernikahanmu).
6. You have done a good work (kamu telah melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik)
Example: You are chosen by our school to join the Robotic
competition. You have done a good work Putu (kamu dipilih oleh sekolah
untuk mengikuti kompetisi robot. Kamu telah melakukan pekerjaan dengan
7. Well done, congratulations for you. (bagus, selamat untukmu)
Example: Your mother said to me if you got a scholarship to London.
Well done Oki, congratulations for you (ibumu mengatakan padaku jika
kamu mendapat beasiswa ke London. Bagus Oki, selamat untukmu).
8. Please accept my warmest congratulation on … (terimalah ucapan selamat yang paling hangat dari saya atas …)
Example: please accept my warmest congratulation on your new house
(terimalah ucapan selamat yang paling hangat dari saya atas rumah
9. I must say congratulations on … (Saya harus mengucapkan selamat atas …)
Example: I must say congratulations on your new job (saya harus mengucapkan selamat atas pekerjaan barumu).
10. It was so great to hear about … (Sangat menyenangkan sekali mendengar tentang …)
Example: It was so great to hear about your engagement (sangat menyenangkan sekali mendengar tentang pertunanganmu).
Sebagai tambahan buat kalian, berikut contoh percakapan yang menggunakan expression of congratulation.
Santi : Good morning, Dian. How are you?
Dian : I am fine. Thank you. How about you Santi?
Santi : I’m fine too, thank you. By the way, have you graduated from
the University?
Dian : Yes. I have graduated last week.
Santi: Really? I am sorry. I don’t hear about it.
Dian : Never mind Santi.
Santi : I’d like to congratulate you on your graduation, Dian. I hope you get a job soon.
Dian : Thank you very much, Santi.
Santi: You are welcome Dian
Contoh 2 :
Tommy : Hi… Sheila I have just received your gift, thanks a lot
Sheila : Ok, you are welcome
Tommy : By the way why did you send me a gift?
Sheila : Do you forget, today is your birth day, right?
Tommy : Oh.. my god, it’s 18 May, how could I forget my own birth day !
Thank’s Sheila you have remembered me about my special day.
Sheila : Ok friend, happy birth day, may god bless you
Tommy : Thank you very much my best friend
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Ungkapan Simpati (Expressing Sympathy)
(expressing sympathy)
yang digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati lita kepada seseorang atas
suatu kejadian, baik kabar yang menggembirakan maupun sebaliknya.
Berikut ini adalah contoh ungkapan simpati (expressingsympathy) yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Ungkapan simpati terhadap sesuatu yang menggembirakan:
– Fantastic
– How nice
– How wonderful
– I’m pleased to hear that
– I’m (very) glad to hear that
– Nice to hear that
– Great
– Fantastic
– How nice
– How wonderful
– I’m pleased to hear that
– I’m (very) glad to hear that
– Nice to hear that
– Great
2. Ungkapan simpati terhadap sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan:
– I am sorry to hear that
– How awful
– That’s too bad
– How terrible
– Oh, poor you, what happened to you
3. Untuk merespon ungkapan simpati, kita dapat mengucapkan seperti berikut:
– Thanks / thank you
– You’re right
– That’s right
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan / dialog bahasa inggris expressing sympathy
Kaka : I am sure. I get some good news today.
Kiki : Yes. You’ve just got two letters. Here you are.
Kaka : Thanks (reading the letters) Oh no!
Kiki : what is it? It’s a bad news?
Kaka : Yes. My aunt passed away last week.
Kiki : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
Kaka : Aku yakin bakalan dapet kabar gembira hari ini.
Kiki : Ya, kamu barusan dapet dua surat, Nih.
Kaka : terima kasih (membaca) Oh tidak!
Kiki : Ada apa? berita buruk ya?
Kaka : Iya, bibiku meninggal minggu lalu
Kiki : Oh, Aku turut berduka cita
Santi : Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?
Santo : I am very sorry Ti, My father was sick and I took him to hospital.
Santi : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. May he get well soon
Santo : it’s alright. By the way, how was your party yesterday? I hope you will be wiser, happier as you’re growing up.
Santi : Yup, yesterday was so awesome party. Thanks Santo. You know that my boyfriend came to visit me from Bologna.
Santo : Whoa, that’s great! I am (very) glad to hear that. You must be happy, right?
Santi : Of course.
Santi : Kenapa kamu nggak dateng ke pesta ulang tahunku kemarin?
Santo : Maafin aku ya, Ayahku sedang sakit dan aku mengantar beliau ke rumah sakit.
Santi : Oh, Maaf ya, semoga beliau cepat sembuh.
Santo : Aamiin, Iya gak apa2, ngomong-ngomong gimana pestanya kemarin? Aku harap dengan bertambah usiamu, kamu lebih bijaksana, tambah bahagia juga ya.
Santi : Yup, kemarin bener-bener pesta yang luar biasa. thanks ya. Tau nggak kalau pacar aku datang dari Bologna
Santo : Whoa, hebaat. Aku seneng banget dengernya. Kamu pasti bahagia banget ya?
Santo : Banget.
Ungkapan yang dapat berguna untuk situasi penting dan istimewa.
Jika dua teman Anda memutuskan untuk tie the knot dan menikah, ini adalah merupakan suatu peristiwa yang berbahagia! Pastikan Anda mengucapkan "Congratulations!" bagi kedua mempelai. Baik saat Anda menghadiri pesta pernikahan atau menulis kartu ucapan, Anda dapat menambahkan, "I wish you the best of happiness in the years to come."
Ulang tahun Biasanya pada acara ini, sekadar "Happy Birthday!" saja sudah cukup. Sangat umum untuk bertanya kepada yang sedang berulang tahun apakah mereka berencana untuk merayakan ulang tahun mereka: "Are you doing anything special to celebrate?" Ingatlah dalam kebudayaan Barat, Andalah yang mengajak teman yang sedang berulang tahun bersenang-senang di luar - bukan sebaliknya. Juga, hindari menanyakan usia, sebab beberapa orang menganggapnya kurang sopan.
Kelahiran seorang putra/putri Jika bundle of joy baru lahir di dunia ini, ucapkan "Congratulations!" kepada sang orang tua. Jika Anda belum tahu jenis kelamin bayi tersebut, ikuti dengan pertanyaan, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Jika mereka menunjukkan foto, pastikan untuk mengatakan, "She's adorable!", "He's so cute!" atau "She takes after her mother!"
Menderita sakit Jika Anda merasa sedang sakit, selalu menyenangkan untuk mendengar kata-kata tulus "How are you feeling?" Kalimat seperti "Take care of yourself", "Get well soon!" atau "I hope you feel better soon!" juga sangat patut untuk penyakit yang tidak begitu parah. Jika situasinya lebih serius, Anda mungkin bisa berkata, "My thoughts and prayers are with you."
Kehilangan Jika seseorang yang Anda kenal mengalami kehilangan orang tercinta, mereka pasti akan mengalami kesedihan yang mendalam. Dalam suasana seperti ini, kata-kata "I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one (father/mother/brother, etc.)" sangat tepat untuk Anda ucapkan. Anda dapat menambahkan, "If there is anything I can do for you, let me know."
– I am sorry to hear that
– How awful
– That’s too bad
– How terrible
– Oh, poor you, what happened to you
3. Untuk merespon ungkapan simpati, kita dapat mengucapkan seperti berikut:
– Thanks / thank you
– You’re right
– That’s right
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan / dialog bahasa inggris expressing sympathy
Kaka : I am sure. I get some good news today.
Kiki : Yes. You’ve just got two letters. Here you are.
Kaka : Thanks (reading the letters) Oh no!
Kiki : what is it? It’s a bad news?
Kaka : Yes. My aunt passed away last week.
Kiki : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
Kaka : Aku yakin bakalan dapet kabar gembira hari ini.
Kiki : Ya, kamu barusan dapet dua surat, Nih.
Kaka : terima kasih (membaca) Oh tidak!
Kiki : Ada apa? berita buruk ya?
Kaka : Iya, bibiku meninggal minggu lalu
Kiki : Oh, Aku turut berduka cita
Santi : Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?
Santo : I am very sorry Ti, My father was sick and I took him to hospital.
Santi : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. May he get well soon
Santo : it’s alright. By the way, how was your party yesterday? I hope you will be wiser, happier as you’re growing up.
Santi : Yup, yesterday was so awesome party. Thanks Santo. You know that my boyfriend came to visit me from Bologna.
Santo : Whoa, that’s great! I am (very) glad to hear that. You must be happy, right?
Santi : Of course.
Santi : Kenapa kamu nggak dateng ke pesta ulang tahunku kemarin?
Santo : Maafin aku ya, Ayahku sedang sakit dan aku mengantar beliau ke rumah sakit.
Santi : Oh, Maaf ya, semoga beliau cepat sembuh.
Santo : Aamiin, Iya gak apa2, ngomong-ngomong gimana pestanya kemarin? Aku harap dengan bertambah usiamu, kamu lebih bijaksana, tambah bahagia juga ya.
Santi : Yup, kemarin bener-bener pesta yang luar biasa. thanks ya. Tau nggak kalau pacar aku datang dari Bologna
Santo : Whoa, hebaat. Aku seneng banget dengernya. Kamu pasti bahagia banget ya?
Santo : Banget.
Ungkapan yang dapat berguna untuk situasi penting dan istimewa.
Jika dua teman Anda memutuskan untuk tie the knot dan menikah, ini adalah merupakan suatu peristiwa yang berbahagia! Pastikan Anda mengucapkan "Congratulations!" bagi kedua mempelai. Baik saat Anda menghadiri pesta pernikahan atau menulis kartu ucapan, Anda dapat menambahkan, "I wish you the best of happiness in the years to come."
Ulang tahun Biasanya pada acara ini, sekadar "Happy Birthday!" saja sudah cukup. Sangat umum untuk bertanya kepada yang sedang berulang tahun apakah mereka berencana untuk merayakan ulang tahun mereka: "Are you doing anything special to celebrate?" Ingatlah dalam kebudayaan Barat, Andalah yang mengajak teman yang sedang berulang tahun bersenang-senang di luar - bukan sebaliknya. Juga, hindari menanyakan usia, sebab beberapa orang menganggapnya kurang sopan.
Kelahiran seorang putra/putri Jika bundle of joy baru lahir di dunia ini, ucapkan "Congratulations!" kepada sang orang tua. Jika Anda belum tahu jenis kelamin bayi tersebut, ikuti dengan pertanyaan, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Jika mereka menunjukkan foto, pastikan untuk mengatakan, "She's adorable!", "He's so cute!" atau "She takes after her mother!"
Menderita sakit Jika Anda merasa sedang sakit, selalu menyenangkan untuk mendengar kata-kata tulus "How are you feeling?" Kalimat seperti "Take care of yourself", "Get well soon!" atau "I hope you feel better soon!" juga sangat patut untuk penyakit yang tidak begitu parah. Jika situasinya lebih serius, Anda mungkin bisa berkata, "My thoughts and prayers are with you."
Kehilangan Jika seseorang yang Anda kenal mengalami kehilangan orang tercinta, mereka pasti akan mengalami kesedihan yang mendalam. Dalam suasana seperti ini, kata-kata "I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one (father/mother/brother, etc.)" sangat tepat untuk Anda ucapkan. Anda dapat menambahkan, "If there is anything I can do for you, let me know."

Memberikan Pujian (compliment)
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memuji
bersayap serta responnya, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan merespon pujian bersayap, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.
Macam-macam pujian dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Good job (sangat bagus)
- You really look good today (kamu kelihatan sangat baik hari ini)
- You are the best (kamu yang terbaik)
- Nice work (pekerjaan yang bagus)
- you are amazing (kamu luar biasa)
- wow, great! (wow, bagus)
- you rock! (kamu bagus!)
- you are wonderful (kamu menakjubkan)
- good (bagus)
- very good (sangat bagus)
- so fine (sangat bagus)
- super! (sangat super)
- Nice (bagus)
- congratulation (selamat)
- happy wedding (selamat menikah)
- happy birthday (selamat ulang tahun)
- welldone (sangat bagus)
- great (bagus)
- you’re a great manager (kamu manager yang bagus)
- she is very clever (dia sangat pandai)
1. Penampilan
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari saat kita berinteraksi dengan orang lain
banyak sekali hal-hal yang kita jumpai yang berkaitan dengan penampilan
seseorang. Untuk memujinya, sobat bisa gunakan ungkapan-ungkapan
- How handsome you are.
(Betapa tampannya kamu.)
- I love your hair today.
(Saya suka rambutmu hari ini.)
- I like your T-shirt.
(Saya suka bajumu.)
- How beautiful your girlfriend is.
(Betapa cantiknya pacarmu.)
- What a beautiful woman she is.
(Dia sungguh wanita yang cantik.)
- You've got a good sense of style.
(Kamu memiliki selera berpakaian yang baik.)
- You look fantastic.
(Kamu tampak luar biasa.)
-You look cute with that gown.
(Kamu tampak manis dengan gaun itu.)
- You are amazing.
(Kamu luar biasa.)
- You look so beautiful tonight.
(Kamu tampak cantik sekali malam ini.)
2. Kemampuan Bekerja
Setelah kita melihat hasil yang memuaskan atas kemampuan bekerja
seseorang, berikanlah pujian sebagai tanda bahwa kita menghargai apa
yang telah dilakukan orang lain. Contoh:
- Excellent!
(Luar biasa!)
- You're a great teacher.
(Kamu memang guru yang hebat.)
- Good job.
(Kinerja yang bagus.)
- You're the greatest.
(Kamu luar biasa.)
- Two thumbs up for you.
(Dua jempol untuk kamu.)
- You're a great manager.
(Kamu manager yang luar biasa.)
- You wrote an interesting story, super!
(Kamu telah menulis cerita yang menarik, luar biasa!)
- What a clever man you are, I'm proud of you.
(Betapa cerdasnya kamu, saya bangga padamu.)
- You did a great job in the classroom, great!
(Kamu telah melakukan pekerjaan yang luar biasa di dalam ruang kelas, luar biasa!)
- You're the best teacher in this school.
(Kamu adalah guru terbaik di sekolah ini.)
3. Kepemilikan
Dalam CCU (Cross Culture Understanding) yang telah saya pelajari, memang
pada dasarnya penutur asli bahasa Inggris atau orang Inggris sangat
suka memuji, termasuk memuji sesuatu yang dimiliki oleh orang lain.
- What a great car.
(sungguh mobil yang luar biasa.)
- Your house is beautiful.
(Rumahmu sangat indah.)
- I love your phone, very smart.
(Saya suka handphonemu, sangat canggih.)
- What a tasty cake .
(Sungguh kue yang enak.)
- I like your bag, very beautiful.
(Saya suka tas kamu, sangat bagus.)
Jika seseorang memuji, jangan lupa sobat membalas pujiannya. Berikut contoh kalimatnya:
- Thank you.
(Terima kasih.)
- Oh, thanks.
(Oh, terima kasih.)
- Thanks for noticing.
(Terima kasih telah memperhatikan.)
- Thank you, you too.
(Terima kasih, kamu juga.)
- I'm flattered.
(Saya tersanjung.)
- I appreciate that.
(Saya menghargainya.)
- Oh, it's just an old thing.
(Oh, itu biasa saja.)
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Simple present tense
Assalamu Alaikum everyone ....
This material is for the tenth grade
The simple present tense is one of several forms of present tense in English. It is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. The simple present tense is simple to form. Just use the base form of the verb: (I take, you take, we take, they take) The 3rd person singular takes an -s at the end. (he takes, she takes)
Tulislah kegiatan sehari-hari kalian frog wake up to take a bed.
just post in comment coloum
This material is for the tenth grade
The simple present tense is one of several forms of present tense in English. It is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. The simple present tense is simple to form. Just use the base form of the verb: (I take, you take, we take, they take) The 3rd person singular takes an -s at the end. (he takes, she takes)
The simple present tense is used:
To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes:
I smoke (habit); I work in London (unchanging situation); London is a large city (general truth) -
To give instructions or directions:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left. -
To express fixed arrangements, present or future:
Your exam starts at 09.00 -
To express future time, after some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until:
He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.
Be careful! The simple present is not used to express actions happening now.
For habits
He drinks tea at breakfast.
She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly. -
For repeated actions or events
We catch the bus every morning.
It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
They drive to Monaco every summer. -
For general truths
Water freezes at zero degrees.
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
Her mother is Peruvian.
For instructions or directions
Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford. -
For fixed arrangements
His mother arrives tomorrow.
Our holiday starts on the 26th March -
With future constructions
She'll see you before she leaves.
We'll give it to her when she arrives.
Forming the simple present tense: to think
Affirmative | Interrogative | Negative |
I think | Do I think? | I do not think |
You think | Do you think? | You do not think |
He thinks | Does he think? | He does not think |
She thinks | Does she think? | She does not think |
It thinks | Does it think? | It does not think |
We think | Do we think? | We do not think. |
They think | Do they think? | They do not think. |
Notes on the simple present, third person singular
In the third person singular the verb always ends in -s:
he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks. -
Negative and question forms use DOES (= the third person of the auxiliary 'DO') + the infinitive of the verb.
He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla. -
Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies:
fly --> flies, cry --> cries
Exception: if there is a vowel before the -y:
play --> plays, pray --> prays -
Add -es to verbs ending in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch:
he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes
- He goes to school every morning.
- She understands English.
- It mixes the sand and the water.
- He tries very hard.
- She enjoys playing the piano.

Tulislah kegiatan sehari-hari kalian frog wake up to take a bed.
just post in comment coloum
Expression of relief pain and pleasure
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure
Materi Pokok
Dialog yang memuat ungkapan menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure
Expression of pain | Expression of pleasure | Expression of relief |
1) Please, leave me alone. 2) I can’t tell my pain in words 3) It brought me a lot of miseries 4) My heart is so burdened 5) I’m so sad to hear this 6) I’m feeling bad at this time being 7) Ugh, it’s very painful! 8) Ouch! 9) Oh, it’s killing me! | 1) It’s wonderful. 2) How marvelous 3) I am please with it / that. 4) It’s my pleasure. 5) It gives me pleasure. 6) That’s great. 7) That terrific. 8) I am happy with …… 9) I like it. 10) I love it. 11) Great! 12) Terrific! 13) I’m pleased. 14) I enjoyed it 15) I love it. 16) It was terrific. 17) I’m delighted. | 1) Good heavens 2) Thanks God I am alive 3) Thanks for heaven 4) I am relief that.. 5) God bless me 6) God bless you 7) Thank goodness! 8) Thank heavens! 9) What a relief! 10) I’m glad about …! 11) It’s a great relief! 12) Whew! |
Karen : Hi, … Sally. What’s wrong with you. You look so sad.
Sally : Please, leave me alone.
Karen : What’s the problem? Tell me.
Sally : I can’t tell my pain in words.
Karen : Oh, I guess. It must be about Josh . Am I right?
Dialog 3
Dea : “Ouch!”
Sally : “What’s up, Dea?”
Dea : “I have a headache.”
Sally : “Poor you. I think you should take an aspirin.”
Dea : “Yes, you are right. But I don’t have an aspirin. Can you buy me in the drugstore?”
Sally : “All right. Wait a minute.”
Dea : “Thanks Sally.”
Sally : “You are welcome.”
Expressions of
fulfilling request :
Yes, of course
Yes, just a
Right you are.
No, problem.
I should be
By all means.
I should be
most happy.
Dialogue 1
(Example of expressing
Yenny : Den, you look pale
today. What’s wrong with you?
Denni : I am suffering
from a relapse
Yenny : What do you suffer
Denni : I’ve had diarrhea
since last night. I couldn’t sleep well.
Yenny : I’m sorry to hear
Dialogue 2
(Example of expressing
Jasper : What are you
doing now?
Bella : I am reading a
Jasper : A novel?
Bella : Yeah, and I
enjoy it, because this novel is very interesting.
Jasper : Can I borrow
that novel tomorrow?
Bella : Of course, you
Jasper : Thanks a lot
Dialogue 3
(Example of expressing giving request)
Special Dinner
Susan : Hi, Dad! You look so busy. What are you doing?
Dad : Ohh, hi, Susan!
Yeah! I’m preparing dinner for your mom. A special dinner. Can you help me?
Susan : Wow!! It sounds
great! Sure I can help you. What can
I do for you?
Dad : Get some
chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and wash it, please.
Susan : Yes, Dad. Just a minute.
Dad : Umm... Susan.
Could you help me to set the table? Your mom may be at home soon.
Susan : Yes, of course.
Dialogue 4
(Example of expressing fulfilling
Krisna : Mom, may I ask
you something?
Mother : Yes, of course.
What’s wrong with you?
Krisna : I need a lot of
money to buy a text book.
Mother : Okay. I’ll give it
to you if it is important for you.
Krisna : Thank you, Mom.
Dialogue 5
(Example of expressing
Anne : Grey! Don’t you
know that our final exam mark has been announced?
Grey : What? Are you
sure that it has been announced?
Anne : Of course. What
Grey : It is because I
did not do the test well and I am afraid that I will get D for this subject. Our teacher has told me, if I don’t
pass this exam I will be kicked from this school.
Anne : Don’t make a
joke, Grey! I think no one will kick you out from this school.
Grey : How can you know?
Anne : Because you get
Grey : Whew! Thank God!
Thanks Anne!
Anne : You’re welcome,
Individual exercise
Read the following dialogue loudly.
Dea : “Ouch!”
Sally : “What’s up, Dea?”
Dea : “I have a headache.”
Sally : “Poor you. I think you should take an
Dea : “Yes, you are right. But I
don’t have an aspirin. Can you buy me in the
Sally : “All right. Wait a minute.”
Dea : “Thanks Sally.”
Sally : “You
are welcome
Group exercise.
Ø Answer the question below!
1. Who is talking in the
2. What happened with dea?
3. What is dea say when she feel
4. What kind of expression
the dialogue above?
5. what will sally do when dea has a headache?
and Sally
get headache
say, “ouch!”
dialogue above is example of expression of pain
would buy aspirin in the drugstore for dea.
the dialogue loudly!
Expression of fulfilling request.
Special Dinner
Susan : Hi, Dad! You
look so busy. What are you doing?
Dad : Ohh, hi, Susan!
Yeah! I’m preparing dinner for your mom. A special dinner. Can you help me?
Susan : Wow!! It sounds
great! Sure I can help you. What can
I do for you?
Dad : Get some
chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and wash it, please.
Susan : Yes, Dad. Just a minute.
Dad : Umm... Susan.
Could you help me to set the table? Your mom may be at home soon.
Susan : Yes, of course.
Expression of relief
Deananda : Hey
guys , score list mathematics test is out, I have 79
Olvie : I
have 83
Puput : What ? I
don't know about that, what score do I have ?I afraid it is not complete
Ira : Don't worry put , you get 80 , I see there , i get 80
Puput : That's a
relief , thanks Ira
Ira : Ok
,you’re welcome
Group exercise
a Dialogue!
Make a short dialogue using your own sentences, and insert the
expression according to the expression did you get from your teacher. Then, act it out in
front of the class!
Optional :
ekspression of fulfilling request / pain / relief / pleasure.
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